If you prefer to pay directly into the Queenstown Trail Trusts bank account you can do so here: ANZ 06-0949-0211138-02
(Be sure to add your name and email Kat to get your tax receipt).
EVENT NOTIFICATIONS: 26th - 29th Feb - Southern Lakes Ultra - Ultra runners will be on Coronet Loop, Bush Creek, Arrow River Bridges Trail & Twin Rivers Trail | 1st March - Motatapu - Macetown Road is CLOSED on 1st March, this affects the Coronet Loop
In this section you will find maps and trail descriptions for the great ride and all trail sections. Go forth and discover.
All the information you need to plan your Queenstown Trails experience.
Whether you’re looking for bike hire, tour guide or a great place to eat, drink or stay, please show your support to our trusted trail partners listed below:
There is a lot of exciting development going on for Queenstown Trails. Check out our stories, news and events in this section…
At Queenstown Trails, we're on a mission to keep enhancing our world-class trail network. Find out more about who we are, and our exciting plans for the trails and the future.
There are many ways you can get involved, support us and ultimately help us grow the Queenstown Trails Network, explore how you can get involved below:
If you prefer to pay directly into the Queenstown Trail Trusts bank account you can do so here: ANZ 06-0949-0211138-02
(Be sure to add your name and email Kat to get your tax receipt).
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